May 12, 2014

Struggling with Comparisons

"Comparison is the thief of joy." 

You may or may not have noticed that I've been posting less recently lately and the quality of my posts hasn't been the greatest.  This is mostly because final exams crept up on me and when something counts as 40% of your overall grade...well, it's hard to ignore! But I've been on summer break for almost two weeks now and blogging just isn't quite feeling the same. I haven't been enjoying it as much as I used to.

I think (actually, I know) this is because I have the wrong intentions. Blogging has become (like most things in my life) a competition and not a hobby. To be frank, I've been focusing way too much on numbers. I think it's incredibly hard not to get caught up in that, especially as a new blogger. Being the competitive person I am, I have to admit that it's sometimes hard for me to see other people prosper and my numbers stay the same. It's dusgusting, I know.

I know that comparing myself to other bloggers isn't going to make my blog better. In fact, it's doing the exact opposite--it's holding me back. There are tons of gorgeous, amazing, talented bloggers out there and I'm lucky enough to know a lot of them! They're my friends, not my competition. Maybe my blog will turn into a multi-million dollar fashion empire....maybe (probably) it won't.  Either way, I'm still going to blog and enjoy doing it. 

While it's all fine and good that I have a new outlook on blogging, I'm still dealing with the bigger issue here. Constantly comparing myself to other people is something I've been struggling with for a long, long time. I do it often and I do it well. Sometimes I'm conscious of it but usually I don't even realize that I do it. It's became a sort of 'default' setting that my brain automatically goes into. Scary, huh?

I touched on this breifly in my lessons from sophomore year post, but comparing yourself and trying to do a thousand things to keep up with people is only going to make you miserable. For example, I constantly compare myself to my 'friends.' I put quotes around 'friends' because I probably won't talk to any of these people post-graduation. I think we all have these people in our lives. The people who seem nice on the outside but somethings just not quite right about them. You know those friends whose compliments make you say 'Thank you?' instead of 'Thank you!' because you're not really sure if they actually complimented or insulted you. Yeah, those people you should probably just stay away from.

I go to a really big school, so they're lots of different people here. But naturally I've gravitated towards the career-minded, uber-competitive kids, because they're just like me. This isn't a bad thing, but often some of my 'friends' on campus won't even stop to talk to me. Typically it's because they're president of club A, B and C and have to run off to some meeting. "Oh I'm just so busy!" they'll say in a tone of condescension. It's as if they pity me for having the time to stop and eat lunch. So naturally, I start thinking: 'Is it wrong that I have a half hour to spare? Am I not doing enough?'

 All of my 'friends' had their days planned to every last second, and I spent the majority of my time eating Ben & Jerry's and watching Arrested Development for the 4th time on Netflix. So basically, this last semester, I realized I had to wanted to get my S#$% together, so I did 3 internships and joined every club I possibly could. Spoiler alert: that didn't work out for me too well.

While I think it's something I'll always struggle with to a certain extent,  I'm now consciously making an effort to overcome it. This is because it's gotten exponentially worse over the last few months.  It's starting to interfere with my life in ways I wasn't even conscious of until I took a serious step back and evaluated my life. I've realized that I waste so much time comparing myself to other people. I caught myself searching LinkedIn the other day counting internships people in my class have done. "Oh!" I would think, "She's only done 2 and I've done 4--excellent!" or "She's done 5 internships and writes for this magazine and is the president of 3 clubs--What am I doing with my life?" Like I said before, I'm all about numbers, not just when it comes to blogging.  What's even more embarrassing is that, I found myself doing comparisons far crazier than that. "Oh my god," I thought, "She went to Yale, Harvard Law and now is the CEO of her own company. I go to a state school and I couldn't even pass calculus. I'm a failure."

Honestly, I'm embarrassed now that I type that out and I'm tempted to just delete this whole post. What am I doing comparing myself to a woman thirty years older than me? Yeah, she graduated from Harvard Law. That's amazing for her! That doesn't, however, make me stupid or mean I'm going to fail at life. It all sounds nice and simple when I write it out, but I just go right back to thinking this way later. I think a little comparison to your peers is healthy. But comparing your success to someone in a totally different place in life is just bonkers! Yes, I just said bonkers, because it seemed appropriate.

Again, this is disgusting, and I am fully aware of that fact. Remember that crazy competitive nature I talked about earlier? Yeah, now do you believe me? 

People have told me my entire life that I shouldn't compare what I have to others. I was taught to be grateful for what I had and focus on that. I was taught that there would always be someone smarter, more successful, but that this was all relative. Because of my competitive nature, I absolutely refused to accept this.

I used to equate comparisons to setting goals for myself. I would see someone achieve something, and say to myself "OK, that's what I want have to do next." This couldn't be more wrong. The difference with comparisons is that they can never really be achieved. There will always be something or someone new to compare yourself to. It's a never ending road.

In the end, comparisons are just exhausting. Whenever I catch myself comparing, I think about how much energy I'm wasting on that act. I could easily channel that energy into something else, something positive!

It all gives me serious, serious anxiety. In fact, it gives me so much anxiety that there will probably be another post on how much anxiety I have later. I've got a lot of baggage people. But, back to my point, what's even worse is that it all comes from myself. I control my thoughts and I choose to make these unhealthy comparisons. I can also choose not to make them and that's why I'm trying really hard to do.

This post has been sitting in my drafts for a long time. A really long time. A version of this was actually one of the very first blog posts I wrote, but I've never found the courage to hit that little orange 'publish' button. For the most part, I've tried to keep an overall positive, happy vibe on this blog. 

This is mostly because I don't want to sound like I'm complaining or I'm an ungrateful person. One thing I've become conscious of since starting my blog is that it's easy for things to be misinterpreted. I know what my intentions are and that they're coming from a good place, but that doesn't mean it will read that way to someone else. So I hope you understand that I'm not looking for pity, I'm simply sharing my deepest, truest feelings! These feelings might seem like I'm whining to some, but I hope there are more of you that understand and gain something from this post. Maybe I'm the only one who thinks this way, and if I am, you reserve the right to tell me how crazy I am. 

But just remember: stop those comparisons, you're worth so much more than that!

xo Sydney 

P.S. That was CRAZY long! If any of you actually read this entire post please tweet/facebook/e-mail me so I can give you a check for $1 million dollars*

** disclaimer: I don't actually have a million dollars but I will write you another very long thank you note!

All images from Pinterest


  1. Hey! Don't get down on yourself for comparing yourself to others! It sucks and it's counter productive but it is also part of human nature! To an extent, we do it to get ahead. It's important to realize it (like you're doing) and instead talk about all of your GOOD points. I like to use affirmations for this! So when I think (and I think this daily) that I'm just faking my way through working as a computer teacher (compared to my coworkers who all went to school for computers and know how to make things on 3d printers) I remind myself that there is something that I contribute that no one else does (in my case, it's my strong writing and web knowledge) and that's why my boss hired me. He values me for something, so I should also value myself for that.

    Does that make sense?

    Anyway, I'm SUPER proud of you for writing this post. It's hard to bare the things we don't like about ourselves - especially in our blog where we want people to like us. But the honesty, is what gets people to like us even more!

    1. Hey girl! Thank YOU so much for taking the time to read this long rant and write such an amazing comment! You're right: we all need to take more time to remind ourselves of what makes us awesome rather than what we're lacking. I seriously can't thank you enough for the kind words and advice, you're the sweetest!!


  2. I usually scroll through long posts, but I read all of this one because it sounded like exactly what goes through my mind! I struggle with comparisons as well - it's a hard habit to break. I noticed it recently and have worked and worked on making it stop. I've gotten better, but I still have a long ways to go. Thank you so much for writing this. It's nice to know I'm not the only one who does this and you've inspired me to keep working on this bad habit.


    1. You're definitely not alone in this!! I think it's something a lot of people actually do, but no one really wants to admit it (and I totally understand why!). Thank you SO much for taking the time to read the whole thing! Comments like this seriously make my day!!

      xx Sydney

  3. Hey! So I read the whole article! U owe me a million dollars or at least a lengthy reply haha

    theres a few things I wanted to say so I hope you dont mind!

    1 - your blog is an extension of you, if you're studying for exams then tell your readers and theyll respect it, hell they might even have some studying tips for ya!

    2 - you're so honest and quite frankly everything you said is exactly what I once felt and what so many others have felt too, itd a phase and it will pass

    3 - youre awesome and there is only one you! Start realising that you're good enough!!

    Really good post!

    Holly xx

    1. Thanks Holly!! Also, I'm really sorry I don't have that million dollars (I seriously wish I did!) but I truly appreciate you taking the time to read the whole thing! I try really hard to be 100% honest and genuine in every post so it makes me SO happy to hear you appreciate that! This is definitely something we all go through to some extent in our lives, so I'm super glad that you can relate! Thanks again for the lovely comment! Words cannot express how much I appreciate the kindness and support!

      xx Sydney

  4. Preach, sister! I've definitely suffered from comparing myself to others; the one thing that makes me feel better is reflecting on the fact that none of these "successful" people ever dwell on their failures (or share them much, for that matter). They could seem totally happy with their lives on the outside, but everyone hides their personal struggles to some extent. Your post rings true because everyone is out there polishing their personal images (on social media, especially!), when in reality it just creates unrealistic expectations. Thanks for writing. :)

    1. That's a really good way to look at it, I've never thought about it like that! Honestly, that's part of why I almost didn't post this. I wanted my readers to think I had it all together lol. But I think it's definitely more important to be genuine and honest, so I'm really glad you can relate to this! Thanks for reading!!

      xo Sydney

  5. I really enjoy reading this post, as a new blogger I can totally relate.
    Thanks for being so honest!

    Summer at Simply Summer

    1. I'm so glad you can relate! Thanks for reading and for taking the time to comment! I really appreciate it! Also, welcome to the blogosphere! E-mail me if you ever need tips/advice/someone to chat with!! :)

      xx Sydney

  6. I'm so happy you posted this, because I'm the exact same way! As a person with an extremely type-A personality, I often find myself getting caught up in the competition as well. For blogging, my career, school, everything: it all becomes a competition. And healthy competition is good, but usually with people like us, we're the ones that drive ourselves the hardest. We're so motivated and we try so hard, but the truth of the matter is, we can't be anyone but ourselves. We can't go at any other pace but our own. We're spectacularly unique, and while comparisons may be useful to get new ideas, doing it too often can have adverse effects. When I feel bummed about people being more successful than me (which is, in itself, ridiculous), I try to think about the positives. For example: when other bloggers need guest posts, I try to do them, because those blogs are usually more popular than me, thus there is something I can gain from it. I learn new things every day, and I wouldn't be able to do that if there weren't people ahead of me. It's so hard, but I've found that my mental health is in the best place when I remember that although I don't know everything, that knowledge comes from everywhere, and that I'm accumulating it every day. I have days and months and years worth of knowledge, and that's more than other people have. Own what you've got! We're all good at something, and the more we work at that something(s), the better we'll get at them. It just goes day by day. <3

    1. Hahaha type-A's unite!! Yeah, I am a textbook type-A personality, so I completely understand where you're coming from! But you're so right about owning what you've got! I'm definitely working on that, but it's hard sometimes with my controlling, competitive nature. Oh well, it's a journey right?! Thanks so much for taking the time to read it and leave such a lovely comment! I seriously appreciate it more than you know!

      xoxo Sydney

  7. I really enjoyed reading this post, and I relate to well. I find myself constantly comparing myself to others and it is truly exhausting. Just the other day I was thinking the same things, "Why do I waste so much time comparing myself, and when did I start caring?" Thank you for the post!

    1. Exactly! I've actually been doing it for a while, I've just never noticed! Looking back, it seems so stupid and annoying! I don't want to care, but I do. Haha that's just life I guess! But thanks so much for reading and commenting! It seriously makes my day and makes me feel so much better about my decision to post this!! THANK YOU!!

      xo Sydney

  8. Like what everyone else has been saying, I totally enjoyed reading this! I'm definitely the same way and am always trying to better myself (or at least look like I'm better), and blogging is no exception. Just know that it's okay to want to improve your blog and grow it--just don't make that the only reason you blog. I've definitely been sitting on these same exact thoughts and been figuring out how to apply my own advice to my own blog.

    My plan for myself is this (and you can do this too):
    Whatever you write, make sure it is a quality post. It's better to skip a couple days and write a good quality post than to write posts on the days you have scheduled and have it be rushed and crappy.
    Check your intentions why you're writing that specific post. Is it to share your honest opinion or excitement or whatever, or is it to brag?
    And lastly, your blog is different than everyone else's! It'll have a different audience and different pace in growing. And know that that is fine, as long as you like the way your blog is being run at the moment. [:

    Good luck! And keep writing [:

    1. Thanks for reading!! Also, you're comment was amazingly helpful so thank you for that too! You're right, you definitely need to stop and check your intentions every once in a while. Blogging can get crazy competitive, but it's important to remember why you started. Do it because you're passionate about what you're writing, not because you want to beat everyone else! Awesome plan :)


  9. I'm very happy you decided to press publish on this post! It is incredible and shows your strength! The hardest part is actually accepting something...which you have already done. On the blogging side it's hard not to look to the numbers but for me I just keep constant in my mind why I started and of I even just reach one my mind it's all worth it<3 I'm glad you are going to keep blogging because I really do enjoy your blog. Everyone struggles with comparing themselves at times, just know you are you for a reason and you have things about you that no one else has.. Stay you<3!

    1. Awww thank you so much for the kind words! I definitely don't consider myself a 'strong' person, but I know I don't give myself nearly enough credit! I am my own worst critic. But you're totally right, everyone struggles with it at some point but you've gotta just stay focused on yourself! Thanks again for reading and commenting! I seriously appreciate it x 10000!

      xo Sydney

  10. I struggled with this too. You need to just remember that you're great no matter what you do!

    Kimberly | Kimberly's Chronicle

    1. Very true!! Thanks for reading :)

      xo Sydney

  11. Love this! I struggle with comparison within every aspect of my life. I can definitely relate to this. Thank you for posting!

    1. Thank YOU for reading and for taking the time to comment! Seriously, you're the best :)

      xo Sydney

  12. I completely understand where you are coming from. I do this too but mine isnt success its vanity,..looks. I hate it about myself, because Im always comparing myself to other people. Ive lost a crap ton of weight and I look great I should be proud of myself but I always find myself judging my own looks by someone elses.. its so unhealthy!

    1. I totally understand the vanity thing too! I do it also, especially because I'm not 100% confident in my own skin yet. But you should be SO proud of how far you've come and I'm sure you look fabulous! Own it!!


  13. I love this post and so appreciate your honesty. Thoughts just like this run through my mind so often, but I've never had the balls to come out and say it. You're a great writer and blogger, just keep being you!

    1. Thank you!! I'm trying really hard to be more open and honest and I'm glad you can relate! Thanks so much for reading!!


  14. Sydney, I just related to you SO hardcore while reading this. I feel you 100% and more, if that were even possible. My boyfriend and family tells me all of the time how poisonous it is to compare, and the truth of that has finally started to dawn on me. Nothing good comes from it - nothing. If anything, it just leaves us more stressed out and upset and disappointed and wanting more, and that's not a healthy or healthily productive way to live.

    Proud of you for tackling this and speaking so honestly about it. That's incredible and so needed for so many of us. Blog world is a scary world sometimes and it's so easy to get sucked up into the madness of it all, but it's a whole heckuvah lot better when we remember our own individual values and just keep doing our thang!

    I wrote 2 posts on similar things when I was having my own seemingly existential crises with figuring out my own "success" stories....
    1. Redefining "Success":
    2. Struggling with Anxiety:


    1. Hey girl! Thank you SO much for reading! I'm super glad you can relate to this. I felt kind of ridiculous/embarrassed writing it, but amazingly sweet comments like this make it so worth it! You're totally right, nothing good comes from it at all! Which makes the whole thing all the more frustrating for me!

      I'm definitely going to read your posts because they sound right up my alley!! Thanks again for reading, and I really do appreciate the kind words and support!!

      xo Sydney

  15. Sent my Shane. First time stopping by and I have to say I really enjoyed reading this blog, and the inspirational quotes are amazing. Thank you so much

  16. Sydney, it was really brave of you to write about this! I have had the exact same experience with both blogging and with extracurriculars/jobs. I always feel like I'm not doing enough or that I'm never as qualified as someone else for the jobs I want. I feel sometimes too like I'm not that good of a blogger or that I'll never be successful at it. The minute we start making comparisons, we stop recognizing how awesome we are! That's still something I'm trying to teach myself. I've also had my struggles with anxiety - I feel you! Especially in college, the pressure to be doing enough and "FOMO" can definitely exacerbate it.

    Thank you for sharing and being so honest :)

