What's in my bag?

February 3, 2014

One of my favorite 'tag' videos on YouTube to watch are the 'what's in my bag' videos. It may sound odd to most people, but there's something fascinating to me about seeing what other people carry around in their bags. I'll be the first to admit that I carry an insane amount of stuff in my bag. I'm honestly going to need a shoulder replacement when I'm older, just because I have to carry around twenty different types of lip balm. I have a problem, I know. So I decided to share what I carry around in my bag just in case some of you are stalkers like me and have an extreme interest in my day-to-day necessities.

First of all, I never leave the house without my makeup bag. I always have my lip balm, hand sanitizer from Bath & Body Works , concealer for pesky spots and dark circles, a mini bottle of perfume (love anything from Victoria's Secret), some Clean & Clear blotting papers, compact mirror and always a pair of tweezers. You never know when you're going to discover you really need to pluck your uni-brow. It's always at the most inconvenient time. Also, during this time of year, I usually carry around a hand cream because dry, cracked hands can really ruin my day (really, they can). I love the Skin Food by Weleda that I also discussed in my Dry Skin Remedies post.

As far as daily necessities go, I always have my wallet, keys, phone, pen, my planner and sunglasses (I'm in love with my Ray-Ban 'Clubmaster' pair). I take my laptop to classes to take notes on. You'll also find I have random pieces of jewelry floating around the bottom of my bag. I start off the day with the intention of wearing a watch, earrings, necklace etc. and looking cute all day. However, a few hours later, most of it is shoved into the bottom of my bag. Anyone else do this or is it just me?

I can also never leave the house without snacks. I always get the munchies in class, probably because I'm usually bored. Goldfish are my favorite snack and I usually have a pack in my bag and a lot of crumbs in the bottom of my bag. If I have to leave early, I'll take a granola bar and maybe even a sandwich if I'm going to be gone for a while. Since I could talk about food forever, I'll stop now before I run the risk of boring anyone to death.

So now that you know what I carry around on the daily, I'm really curious to know what you carry around! Post it in the comments or tweet me a picture! I'm incredibly nosy and would love to see!

Hope everyone is having a fabulous Monday!

xo Sydney

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