April 22, 2014

Study Essentials

I've started all my posts like this recently, but in case you're not up to speed: it's finals week. Hurray! I know most of my readers are other bloggers/college students so I thought this was the perfect time to take a study break, complain about how much finals suck, and share our study tips/essentials! In fact, I should be studying and writing a paper right now, but instead I'm writing this post...typical Sydney.

This list might seem extensive, but if I don't bring absolutely everything with me to library, I'll be able to find an excuse to leave. Really, I'm not exaggerating that at all. Give me any excuse to leave (even the smallest one you can think of!) and I will take it.

So I can get back to studying and not fail all my classes, let's get to the point: here are my study essentials!

First of all, the most important thing for me are headphones, comfortable clothes, coffee and snacks. Everything else comes second. If you see me in the library, I'm always wearing leggings, a sweatshirt and my classes or some form of that. I'll never be wearing jeans, or a dress, or anything that might give me an excuse to go home and change into more comfortable clothes. Basically, I'm not ashamed to wear straight-up pajamas to the library, so all you haters can step aside. Also, if I ever forget headphones, I have to leave. Immediately. That sounds like I'm being overly dramatic, but I really can't live without headphones.

Next, I must have coffee and snacks. Coffee is a given, because I'm addicted to caffeine and need the boost. Snacks are necessary for me because I have ADD and snacking while I study is the only way I can function. I try to keep it healthy by bringing almonds or something, but normally I just end up eating sour patch kids or goldfish crackers or cookies. I've said this before, but I'll say it again: I believe it's impossible to eat healthy while studying. One time I even brought and entire jar of peanut butter and just ate it with a spoon. I got some weird looks, but did I care? Nope. Not even a little.

After that comes all the boring stuff that I don't really like but need to function in college. For example, highlighters, pens, TI-89 calculator, backpack, notebooks, textbooks, etc. All of this stuff is boring so I'm not going to talk about it too much. Here's one tip though: if you're looking for a good backpack, definitely try a North Face one! I've had mine since high school (so over 3 years) and it somehow still looks brand new. Usually I completely trash my backpacks, so you know it's good quality! Seriously, the last Jansport one I had only lasted  a few weeks before it had holes and scrapes in the bottom. North Face ones are little more expensive, but totally worth it.

So that's basically it! I hope the odds are ever in your favor with final exams. Mine are going to be a doozy this year, considering I have 3 in one day. Yes, the test gods hate me. I've just accepted that. Tell me how much you hate exams and give me some of your study essentials in the comments!

xo Sydney


  1. Good luck on your finals! I like headphones much more than earbuds- earbuds just hurt my ears! I'm still in high school, so I work at home, and I usually just play my music out loud. You should make a study playlist :)

    xo, Hima
    Hima Hearts

  2. Ahhhh yes!! So with you on headphones and comfy clothes!! And I see sour patch in that picture, my favorite!! I actually have a library day planned tomorrow after my morning final! GOOD LUCK on yours!

  3. Loved this post so much! Coffee, snacks, earbuds, and good pens are my essentials! It's about to be finals week around here too. The stress is ON. Best of luck to you as you're finishing out the semester! xoxo

  4. I absolutely have to stay organized during finals... Color coded notes and study guides are necessities! Good luck!


  5. Great post! I love all the items you've mentioned.Good luck with the exams :)
    Do you want to follow each other on Bloglovin?

    Lu ❤ www.balgarka.co.uk

  6. I totally feel you on all these points! I love the inspiration board. And good luck on your finals! xx, Elizabeth


  7. You crack me up! Eating a jar of peanut butter! haha! Great essentials and I agree about the North Face backpack! They are great!
